BreezeClan Roleplay Wiki

Season is: Leaf-fall


Welcome to BreezeClan! I am the leader and founder here, Brightstar. To join our clan, go here. Before joining, please read the rules. To learn all about BreezeClan, go here. See that fern tunnel over there? If you walk in there, your in our camp! Have fun here at BreezeClan!

The Camp[]

Camp-This is where BreezeClan live.

Leader's Den-Brightstar sleeps here.

Warriors Den-The warriors sleep here.

Medicene Cats Den-The medicene cat and it's apprentice sleep here, and where they treat the wounded.

Apprentices Den The apprentices sleep here.

Nursey-Queens and kits sleep here.

Elders Den-Elders sleep here.

Clearing-Cats eat, gather and share youngest here.

Tall Tree-Where ceremonies are performed.

The Terrioty[]

Meadow-A small, open meadow where BreezeClan can run freely an hunt here.

Mossy Hollow-A hollow with the ground covered with moss; apprentices train here.

Forest-A small, thick forest with many oak trees; cats hunt and climb here.

Waterfall-A big waterfall where cats swim and sometimes hunt.

Swamp-A small swamp where there are many herbs; snakes, frogs, and badgers are seen here.

Aqua River-A small river leading from the waterfall; cats come here to drink.

Death Woods-A large forest at the edge of the terrioty; badgers, adders, foxes, and coytes are seen here. Apprentices are not allowed here.

Star Stone-A small crystal stone where the leader and medicene cat share tounges with MoonClan.

Other Areas[]

Twolegplace-Kittypets, loners, and rouges are seen here, twolegs live here.

Barn-This is where loners usually come.

City-A large city where rouges roam.

Alley-A small, dark alley in the city where rouges live.

Other Info[]

MoonClan-This is where all cats go where thy die.

BrokenClan-This is the underworld, opposite of MoonClan.

About BreezeClan-This is where you can learn everything about BreezeClan.

OceanClan- A separate wiki that also belongs to Silver, BreezeClan fight with OceanClan here. The wiki is coming soon.

The Plot-This is where users can put their ideas for roleplay.

Ideas For The Wiki-Title says it all.

BCRW Breezily Newspaper-This is out wiki's daily newspaper.

Join BreezeClan-This is where you can join BreezeClan.
